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Harvest Handy Hints from Marketing and Trading


With harvest under way in many parts the team in Marketing and Trading want to provide an update and a handy resource to hopefully make some parts of harvest a little easier.

Please find below some updates on key grain marketing and harvest related topics we commonly get queries on.

If you need further assistance don’t hesitate to contact you local BRM or call the Grower Service Centre on 1800 199 083.

2021/22 Grower Finance

If you have used our Pre-Pay Advantage or Grain For Fert products, the repayment will be the value of all loads nominated to your facility (when you tick the PPA box when nominating, repayment is not at the $200p/t advance rate).

You can view your reservations and their up-to-date tonnages in LoadNet, CBH will release all remaining reservations once your loan is repaid. 

If you have large contracts, we encourage you to call us to discuss splitting the contracts to ensure you are only repaying the facility with the reserved tonnes (for example, if you have a 300 tonne reservation with us, but flag a 1000 tonne contract; the whole value of the 1000 tonne contract will be used to repay the facility). Please contact us to discuss changing reservations or queries regarding Pre-Pay Advantage or Grain For Fert.

Floating barley

Floating barley spreads will be locked as the first published grade spreads on day of nomination. If falling on a weekend it will be the first published grade spreads on the next available business day. If there is no multigrade price published, it will fix the spreads using the first published fixed grade spreads. Over harvest we will be updating the daily pricing bid sheet to have a section with the first published grade spreads on that day so you will know what the grade spreads are on the day when first load transfer occurs.

Grower Payment Details

Has your ABN, GST or bank details changed? Friendly reminder to log into LoadNet using your Personal Access Number (PAN) and password to update your details to ensure three day payment terms. If you would like assistance, please contact the GSC.

If you change your bank details right before or after nominating grain and would like it to be paid to your new bank account, please contact the Grower Service Centre straight away.

Nomination issues and load correction requests

We urge you to take care when contracting and nominating as our three day payment terms mean that loads are processed for payment very quickly. 

Load Correction Requests are now available to complete online, replacing the old paper form. If you have any issues with nomination or require a Load Correction Request please ensure this is done as soon as possible, as we can’t always guarantee that nominations will be reversible. 

New Services - Off-grades

CBH Operations is introducing off-grades as required to manage grain quality, particularly frost-affected grain. Speak to your Operations Area Manager to discuss what services are available at your local site, and check LoadNet for live pricing and spreads for these new grades.

Contract amendments

If you have made a mistake while contracting or are having difficulty filling the contract terms please contact us as soon as possible. If you are requesting a grade to be added to a contract, please ensure you have nominated all available grain of the contract before requesting changes.

Links to useful information:

LoadNet provides you with:

  • a summary of all your CBH contracts in the Contract Summary page
  • a place to view RCTIs and Loan Statements
  • a table of Pre Pay Advantage and Grain For Fert reservations
  • access to the Grain Marketing Tool (GMT) where you can place price targets
  • access to online contracting

Operations information:

Marketing and Trading information:

You can also check our Grower Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Find contact details for your local Business Relationship Manager (BRM). 

Your local BRM is available via phone or email to help with your grain marketing, finance and fertiliser needs.

During harvest, the Grower Service Centre is available on extended hours from 7am – 6pm and on Saturday mornings from 8am –12pm by calling 1800 199 083. 

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