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Be part of Western Australia's grain harvest


We’re excited to open applications for harvest casual workers in preparation for what is expected to be a bumper 2021/22 harvest.

CBH is on the hunt for enthusiastic casuals to help with the busy harvest period, which usually commences in October and generally lasts up to six weeks.

Do you know someone that may be interested in working at CBH this harvest?

With positions available at a number of sites across Western Australia’s wheatbelt. Working as a CBH harvest casual is a great opportunity to explore, live and work in regional Western Australia for a short period of time while earning decent wages.

Harvest casual roles available include Receival Point Operators at our country sites and Plant Operators at our regional ports. 

Frequently asked questions (FAQ's)


When does the harvest season start and finish?

The season usually starts in October and generally finishes in December. It is important to note that all seasons are different. Harvest work is dependent on many factors for example, weather and grower timing of harvesting so the start and finish of harvest work for casual work may vary each year.

What locations are available?

Locations span from Geraldton to Esperance and out to Merredin with the following positions available:

  • Receival Point Operator – based at our country receival sites (Areas 1 -19)
  • Plant Operator – based at our country terminals (Albany, Esperance, and Geraldton)
  • Grain Technician – available at our metro sites (Forrestfield)

How old do I have to be to apply?

You have to be at least 17 years old as at 1 October 2021.

What is the hourly rate?

Your hourly rate will depend on the position you are appointed to and the level of experience you have. The starting rate for a Receival Point Operator is $29.16627.

Is accommodation available?

Yes, some sites do have basic accommodation available. If you require accommodation, please indicate this in your application. Before arriving on site, please confirm what facilities are available with the local regional office.

How do I work at the same site as my friend/partner/family member?

While there is no guarantee that we can place you together, you should however ensure that you nominate the same zone and site as your friend/partner/family member when completing your application.

Do I get paid for the training that I attend?

Yes – provided that you satisfactorily complete the required training.

What are the hours of work like?

Hours vary from day to day and will be dependent on the harvest conditions and weather. Shifts can be up to 12 hours long and in some cases working 13 days out of a 14 day period. As we operate 7 days a week, this includes working on weekends and public holidays.

Who can I contact if I have further queries that aren’t answered here?

Please email or call (08) 9237 9670.

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