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Paraquat use on lupins


Over the last year, CBH has been conducting some research into the use of paraquat pre-harvest in lupins, and monitoring paraquat residue levels in grain delivered. Europe is a major market for Western Australian lupins and has a Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) of 0.02 mg/kg for paraquat in lupin grain, which is 50 times lower than the Australian MRL of 1 mg/kg. In order to maintain access to this market, along with others, it is important that we minimise paraquat residues in lupin grain.

After extensive residue testing of grain and investigation into results, we've found some practical measures can be taken by growers to minimise paraquat residues in lupin grain. CBH has produced the below technical information sheet which provides some information and advice to reduce paraquat residues in grain, to help maintain this important market access for Western Australian growers.

  • Ask our Agronomist

    Contact CBH's Agronomist Steven Tilbrook if you would like more information about this topic.

    Steven Tilbrook

    T: 0447 370 049

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