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Are your spray records up to scratch?


Did you know that there is now state legislation and Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Association (APVMA) labelling laws that require pesticide applicators to maintain records of every application of a pesticide and retain these for two years?

The WA legislation is covered in the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Agricultural Chemical Record Keeping) Regulations 2020. These regulations state that if an agricultural chemical product is used on any land, the responsible owner or occupier must ensure that a record containing the required information is made no later than seven days after the date of the use; and keep that record until the end of the period of two years starting on the date of the use.

Records required:

  • the date and the time of application
  • the name and contact details of the responsible owner/occupier and the person who applied the chemical
  • the location of the chemical application
  • the name of the agricultural chemical product or products used
  • method of application
  • the rate of application or other information to allow the determination of application rate
  • the situation, crop or commodity to which the chemical was applied
  • additional records as required by the product label or permit of the chemical product used.

DPIRD have developed a record-keeping template which you might find useful for recording the above information.

APVMA labelling requirements

Further to the state legislation, APVMA labelling laws mean that pesticide users now have a legal obligation to maintain records associated with pesticide applications regardless of any specific state or territory requirements. The directions for record keeping requirements are found on the label within the ‘Directions for Use’ instructions under ‘spray drift restraints’.

Grey storm clouds over a paddock of golden wheat stubble
Weather records to keep

  • Wind speed and direction, temperature and relative humidity should be measured and recorded at the site of application.
  • Wind speed and direction should be measured at a height of two metres, in a position of clean airflow.
  • Temperature and relative humidity should be measured at a height of 1.25m (avoiding direct radiation on the sensors).
  • Delta T should be evaluated in the air and at the target.

  • Ask our Agronomist

    Contact CBH's Agronomist Steven Tilbrook if you would like more information about this topic.

    Steven Tilbrook

    T: 0447 370 049

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