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CBH welcomes promising shipping emissions reduction results following maiden Blue Visby trial


The CBH Group is pleased to be a part of an industry-first shipping trial that achieved significant carbon emissions reduction results.

The co-operative joined a consortium of companies participating in the Blue Visby project in June 2023 to support research into practical solutions that help reduce the international shipping industry’s greenhouse gas emissions.

The Blue Visby Solution is an integrated system that notifies ships of the optimal date and time for arriving at their destination, eradicating the industry practice of “Sail Fast, Then Wait”. This is achieved by analysing several factors, including the weather, vessel performance and congestion at the destination. Importantly, the Blue Visby Solution provides the required information systems to support measurement of the model and the contractual architecture to allow for cost and benefit sharing.

Blue Visby’s first trials took place during March and April 2024 and involved two CBH-chartered bulk vessels travelling to the Kwinana Grain Terminal. These included the M/V Gerdt Oldendorff, owned by Oldendorff Carriers, and the M/V Begonia, owned by Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S.

Several different benchmarks were tested throughout the trial, including speed, engine performance, arrival window dates, and intended voyage parameters. The emissions reduction was analysed by comparing the actual voyage with its digital twin in the Blue Visby system.

When analysing the M/V Gerdt Oldendorff, the CO2 savings varied depending on the intended standard speed:

Speed CO2 savings 
 12 knots  7.9%
 14 knots  28.17%

The Begonia demonstrated a CO2 savings of 12.9%, measured against the vessel’s intended speed of 14 knots. 

The trial results were consistent with earlier initiatives, including a 2023 Blue Visby pilot program, which resulted in an average CO2 saving of 18.9% across ten voyages. 

Integral to the success of these trials was the comprehensive testing of all components of the Blue Visby Solution, including software, technical and operational systems. The trials demonstrated that the solution seamlessly integrates with existing voyage planning processes, ensuring minimal disruption while delivering substantial carbon reduction  benefits.  

CBH Chief Marketing and Trading Officer Paul Smith said the trial demonstrated that management of shipping emissions would play an integral role in CBH’s goal of reducing site to customer emissions over time.  

“We’re proud to have been involved in Blue Visby’s first trials, which have demonstrated positive results,” Mr Smith said.  

“Our involvement in the trial has provided valuable insights that will help us reduce emissions in future shipping programs. 

“The benefits will flow on to our customers, who are also exploring how they can reduce emissions throughout the grain supply chain.  

“This project was part of a huge collaboration between charterers, ship owners, and the CBH and Blue Visby teams, and we appreciate the efforts of all those who have helped make these results possible.”  

The trials are part of a wider program across many geographical areas involving other members of the Blue Visby consortium which will be conducted in the coming months.

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