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Powering ahead at Latham


CBH’s Latham site is one of five sites undergoing a major site upgrade this year, which will result in improved safety outcomes and efficiencies.

This year’s upgrade will include:

  • one new asphalt open bulkhead, converting the temporary gravel bulkhead built for the two previous record crops into a permanent 52,400 tonne storage;
  • a new portable weighbridge;
  • a refurbished sample hut, relocated to a more efficient location;
  • a new amenities facility; and
  • supporting pavement and earthworks for the upgraded site.

Area 3 Manager Ben Ketteringham is excited the Latham expansion is underway.

“The benefits are all connected at Latham, resulting in a win for growers, employees and the network,” Ben said.

“We’ll be able to sample, weigh and receive more tonnes through the new site set up. With the old set-up, we were limited in how many tonnes we could weigh in and out, so the increased throughput at the weighbridge really helps.”

“This will improve cycle times, especially in the morning, with the amount of space provided through the new marshal-sample-weigh area. On the flipside, this will also help with outloading, allowing us to line trucks up safely and load them when we ready.”

It’s hoped the improvements will give growers in the area another incentive to deliver more to Latham.

“By having more storage, we should be able to keep tonnes at the Latham site, rather than growers and contractors having to drive up the highway to McLevie or Perenjori,” Ben said. “It will increase safety in the area, enabling growers to deliver closer and reduce unnecessary longer truck trips.”

CBH Project Delivery Manager Brad Ashworth said he was impressed with how efficiently the project was moving, with the sealing completed in late May and final finishing work now underway.

“Even with the rain delays – which is a normal part of building during winter – we are progressing really well and looking like we will complete the project on schedule in July,” Brad said.

“Multiplant Holdings is our head contractor and, between their team and other contractors on site, they have done a great job moving the project along.”

A bonus for this year's upgrade was Western Power provisioning permanent power at the Latham site.

“Now the CBH assets are supported by permanent power, improving resilience and performance of the new Latham site, reducing the need for generators,” Brad said.

“This is a great example of the level of collaboration between CBH and Western Power. In addition, this installation was at no capital cost to CBH, which is a great outcome for all parties involved.”

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