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Community grants open with cyclone recovery funding available


The next funding round for the CBH Group’s Grass Roots Community Grants will open on 1 August 2021, with regional community clubs and groups invited to apply for up to $250,000 in available grants.  

CBH opens its community grants program twice a year in August and February, offering up to $150,000 each round to local clubs and groups who need a helping hand. 

As announced in April, this funding round will have an additional $100,000 set aside for community groups and local governments that were impacted by Tropical Cyclone Seroja and located within the declared disaster area.  

The extra grants funding allocation is in addition to the $150,000 that CBH donated to the Lord Mayor’s Distress Relief Fund Tropical Cyclone Seroja Appeal.  

As per the Lord Mayor’s Distress Relief Fund and CBH grain growing regions, the declared disaster area includes the following Local Government areas: Carnamah, Chapman Valley, Coorow, Dalwallinu, Dandaragan, Greater Geraldton, Irwin, Koorda, Mingenew, Morawa, Mount Marshall, Northampton, Perenjori and Three Springs. 

In assessing the additional funding allocation for cyclone recovery support, the following guidelines apply: 

Grants for events and small-scale infrastructure projects can be applied for by local community groups and local government entities 

Grants cannot be applied to new projects or builds 

Grants can be used for events that relate to cyclone recovery and mental health, and must be held within six months of grant approval 

Grants can be used to rebuild damaged community infrastructure where insurance has not been utilised or cannot be accessed 

Grants are available for events up to $5,000 and small-scale infrastructure up to $10,000 

A budget breakdown is required as part of applications 

While encouraged, it is not essential to have additional sponsors 

Successful applicants must submit a before (damaged infrastructure) and after image (repaired infrastructure). 

CBH Chief External Relations Officer Brianna Peake said the grants program was a popular choice for community groups and clubs to assist with their fundraising efforts for the projects in which they saw value in developing. 

“Our Grass Roots Community Grants are a significant element of  our community investment program, which this year will see more than $1.6 million invested in partnerships, events and activities in our regional communities,” Ms Peake said. 

“In addition to the $150,000 in grants we usually provide to grain growing communities each round, we are proud to offer a $100,000 dedicated grants stream this round for regional organisations who are still recovering from Tropical Cyclone Seroja earlier this year. 

“With up to $20,000 available for infrastructure projects and up to $5,000 for community events, the grants go a small way in helping support regional grass roots organisations.” 

Since the program commenced in 2014, CBH has awarded over $1.8 million to 616 community events and small-scale infrastructure projects.  

The February 2021 round saw $150,000 awarded to 38 community and not-for-profit organisations across our grain growing communities as part of our Grass Roots Community Grants program. 

Each round the program is receiving a growing number of applications from school P&C committees, sporting groups, event organisers and Rotary Clubs among others. 

Applications for this funding round will close on August 31 and are available online