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EPR Adjustments for the Deferred Sales Pool


Pool management has recently reviewed the Estimated Pool Returns (EPR) for the 2022/23 Deferred Sales Pools. Accordingly, changes have been made to the published EPR for the Canola, Lupins and Oats Deferred Sales Pools as described below.

The EPR for the Canola Deferred Sale Pool has been reduced by A$20. This reflects the recent significant sell-off in global markets, which have adjusted sharply lower in recent weeks.

The EPR in the Lupins Deferred Sale Pool has been increased by A$20. This reflects improved prospects of sales values achievable in the pool in the prevailing environment, compared with the conservative view taken when the pool was initially launched.

The Oats Deferred Sales Pool EPR has also been increased by $20. This also better reflects the improved sale value prospects from increased demand from China and Malaysia for oats.

Canola Deferred Sales Pool:

A$720 FIS CAN1 (-$20)

Lupins Deferred Sales Pool:

A$320 FIS LUP1 (+20)

Oats Deferred Sales Pool:

A$325 FIS OAT1 (+$20)