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Stunning mural transforms Narrogin Leisure Centre


CBH Group is proud to have supported the creation of a new mural at the Narrogin Regional Leisure Centre through the Community Investment Fund.

The mural, which now adorns the eastern wall of the centre, has transformed the space into a vibrant celebration of Narrogin’s culture, resilience, and community spirit. The artwork commemorates the town's recovery journey following the 2022 bushfires, highlighting Indigenous culture, community pride, and local recreation.

Renowned Australian aerosol artist Jerome Davenport, born in Narrogin, brought the vision to life with his bold and dynamic style.

“It’s been an incredible honour to return to my roots and create something meaningful for the community,” Davenport said. 

“I hope this mural continues to reflect Narrogin’s spirit and remains a piece of art the community treasures for years to come.”

Adding a powerful cultural dimension to the mural, emerging Aboriginal artist Chante Kickett integrated her unique storytelling through Indigenous designs. Her contribution captures themes of journey and connection, weaving traditional narratives into the mural’s modern aesthetic.

The mural has already become a feature of the Narrogin Regional Leisure Centre, inspiring pride and admiration across the community. Shire President Leigh Ballard celebrated its significance, stating, “This mural is a testament to Narrogin’s strength and spirit. It stands as a symbol of who we are and what we’ve overcome together.”

This project was made possible through a collaboration of funding partners, including CBH Group, Lotterywest, and the Shire of Narrogin. The result is a vibrant and meaningful addition to the community, demonstrating the lasting impact of working together.

CBH Group is proud to have played a role in bringing this inspiring vision to life, furthering our commitment to supporting local communities through the Community Investment Fund.

If you’re planning an event or small-scale infrastructure project for your community, consider applying for CBH’s Grass Roots Community Grants opening on February 1, 2025.

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