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Renee Lynch to join Australian Rural Leadership Program


The 29th Cohort of the Australian Rural Leadership Program Announced

From around Australia 28 diverse rural leaders have been selected as the 29th cohort of the prestigious Australian Rural Leadership Program (ARLP) to commence in June 2022.

CBH Grower Advisory Council (GAC) member, Renee Lynch has been successful in receiving one of the 28 scholarships to participate in the Australian Rural Leadership Program (ARLP).

Renee is a fifth generation Wheatbelt grain grower, together with her husband, runs a 4000 ha broadacre cropping and cattle enterprise in Narembeen.

Prior to returning to farming she spent 8 years working in marketing and communications for an international stainless steel supply business.

"I am grateful for the opportunity to undertake this highly regarded program, I applied on the recommendation of several of my peers and after hearing how they continue to draw on the programs learnings even many years after completion, however, I am apprehensive around leaving my young family and business for a two week period. It was a difficult decision trying to balance the needs of my family and business with the opportunity but ultimately I hope that investing in myself will be of benefit to us all", said Renee.

The ARLP program is in its 29th year playing a key role in the delivery of high-quality programs that support improved leadership in Australia.

When the 29th cohort come together to commence the program in June it will be the first of a series of experiences that will help shape their understanding of themselves and to work with others in influencing change across the country.

Participants engage in a range of experiential learning opportunities in varying contexts during their four sessions over 15-months, in locations including Kununurra, Canberra and overseas. This year the cohort will include scholars from across the country including a Social Entrepreneur from Deeragun (QLD), an Executive Director from the Food and Fibre sector from Scarborough (WA), an Aboriginal Medical Services Chief Operations Officer from Jingili (NT), a mixed crop and livestock farmer from Sale (VIC), a Beef Cattle Grazier from Mingoola (QLD), and a Manager of Cattle Stations from Gin Gin (NSW) to name a few.

The ARLP is Australia’s longest and most in-depth experiential leadership development program giving participants a valuable opportunity to grow their leadership and create a network of change makers to positively influence their organisations, industries and communities across rural, regional and remote Australia.

Expressions of interest for ARLP Course 30, which will commence in June 2023 can be submitted on the ARLF website. 


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