Check out the progress of the new Esperance Annexe!
Esperance Annexe upgrade nears completion
Back in July we showcased the major upgrade of our annexe at the Esperance Port Terminal as part of the sustaining capital works program in the 2021 Network Strategy.
Now the project is nearly complete and looking spectacular, on track to be ready for Esperance Zone growers to use this harvest.
“It’s been a very big team effort, lots of elements and divisions within CBH working together, alongside our contractor partner Kaefer Integrated Services who have delivered the majority of the works,” Project manager Hasan Ehdeyhed said.
Winter conditions have made the project challenging but the Project Delivery Group team and contractors have been busily working away when there is a gap in the wet weather.
“We have had a really wet winter – which is great for growers and the harvest, but not great for construction during the winter months!” Hasan said.
The project is scheduled to be ready in October, with the onsite team working on the final touches, which include:
- Installing ridge capping and internal foaming to complete the seal
- Completing and commissioning recirculation ducting
- Installing the refurbished grain bearing doors
- Installing and commissioning new electrical infrastructure
- Pressure testing to confirm the shed is sealed.
With a capacity of 106,000 tonnes, the annexe is a critical piece of storage infrastructure for the CBH Esperance Port Terminal.
This upgrade will ensure quicker outloading and keep it performing to match the size and speed of harvest delivery and export programs for Esperance growers in to the future.
This year CBH is investing $250 million across the network, focusing on expansion, sustaining capital and maintenance projects, to ensure the supply chain can operate efficiently and effectively all year round.