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CBH community grants tops $2.5 million


More than 40 Western Australian regional community groups, clubs and organisations have been announced as the successful recipients of CBH Group’s August 2022 round of the Grass Roots Community Grants.  

A total of $150,663 has been awarded to 43 organisations whose projects and events will contribute to the health and vitality of WA grain growing communities.  

CBH Chief External Relations Officer David Paton said the program was created to support grass roots groups within regional communities to upgrade key facilities and create community-engaging events.  

“Over the past nine years, our Grass Roots Community Grants program has continued to directly support groups which are vital for our grain growing communities,” Mr Paton said.  

“In this round, the grants have funded a variety of community events including Christmas parties, agricultural shows and school holiday activities as well as small-scale infrastructure projects such as shade structures, yarning circles and sport changeroom upgrades.” 

“These events and small infrastructure projects are vital to help sustain regional communities in WA, and CBH is proud to be able to support this.”  

Successful applicant Dismantle – a not-for-profit organisation that provides young people with enabling support so they can manage their life in a self-directed way - received a $5,000 grant toward expanding their youth outreach program into the Wheatbelt area. 

Dismantle Chief Executive Officer Pat Ryan states “Dismantle is thrilled to receive this Grass Roots Community Grant from CBH, the proceeds of which will enable us to deliver our award-winning youth outreach program, BikeRescue, to at-risk young people in the Wheatbelt.” 

“Dismantle works with roughly 400+ at-risk young people every year, working to engage them through hands-on, skills-based programs like BikeRescue which see’s participants learn to completely dismantle and rebuild rusty old bikes that they earn to keep.” 

Since the CBH Grass Roots Community Grants began in 2014, a total of $2.5 million has been awarded to 798 community events and projects across regional Western Australia.  

The next funding round will open on 1 February 2023. More information can be found on the CBH website

Below is the list of successful Grass Roots Community Grants recipients from the August 2022 funding round listed alphabetically by organisation.  


  • Beverley Lawn Tennis Club 
  • Blue Tree Project 
  • Borden Pavilion Committee Inc. 
  • Boyup Brook Bowling Club 
  • Bremer Bay Community Resource Centre 
  • Chapman Valley Northampton Cricket Club 
  • Christmas in Narrogin 
  • Coastal Warriors Cricket Club 
  • Coorow Primary School 
  • Cunderdin 100 Mile Club Inc 
  • Cunderdin Photo Club 
  • Dismantle 
  • Dumbleyung Community Resource Centre 
  • Geraldton Mountain Bike Club 
  • Hopetoun Clay Target Club 
  • Hyden Karlgarin Football Club 
  • Jerramungup District High School 
  • Jingalup Tennis Club 
  • Kalannie Youth Ball 
  • Kellerberrin and Districts Agricultural Society 
  • Kojonup Pastoral and Agricultural Society 
  • Koorda Community Resource Centre 
  • Kukerin Dumbleyung Football Club & Kukerin Lake Grace Hockey Club 
  • Kulin P&C 
  • Mogumber Outback Club Inc 
  • Moora Lake View Golf Club 
  • Mt Marshall & Districts Agricultural Society Inc 
  • Narrogin Art Group 
  • North Midlands Project in collaboration with Mingenew Community Resource Centre 
  • Northam Toy Library Inc. 
  • Northampton District Bowling Club Inc. 
  • Northampton District High School P&C 
  • Northampton Netball Association 
  • Nungarin Heritage, Machinery and Army Museum 
  • Nyabing CWA of WA 
  • Plantagenet Scout Group 
  • Ports Football Club Incorporated 
  • Quairading Aquatic Club Incorporated 
  • Quairading Rainmakers Inc 
  • Tenterden Tennis Club 
  • Whispering Gums Retirement Village 
  • Young Change Agents 
  • Yuna Playgroup