CBH calls for grower crop estimates to help with harvest planning
While harvest is a few months away, the CBH Group is preparing for another significant crop this year given the favourable growing conditions in most parts of the state. As part of these preparations the annual call has gone out to growers to submit their crop estimates for the 2022/23 harvest.
CBH Chief Operations Officer Mick Daw is reminding growers of the importance that their estimates play in harvest preparations and long-term network decisions, particularly following last year’s record season.
“With potentially another large harvest expected, plus carry over from the record 2021 season, it is absolutely vital that growers tell us what they have planted so we can plan accordingly and reduce pressure on the network where possible,” Mr Daw said.
With a likely increase in malt barley and GM canola planted this season, knowing what varieties and where it is coming from plays a key role in CBH having the segregations available at sites for growers.
“Last year, actual grain deliveries at some sites were up to three times more than what had been submitted through crop estimates, resulting in storage shortfalls and impacting services to growers at those sites,” Mr Daw said.
“Services will likely fill up fast again this season and if we know what varieties and where the grain is coming from, we will be able to plan for trucks and trains where
possible. ”CBH is now in its fifth year of using Paddock Planner and is seeing a continued increase in the up-take of the crop estimates application.
Gnowangerup, North Stirling grower Wayne Pech said the Paddock Planner tool was an integral part of getting grain to port and maximising financial returns to growers.
“I use Paddock Planner to submit my estimates, primarily as I want to see the services I need at my local site. I also want to ensure my grain gets to port when it’s needed to get the best possible price,” Mr Pech said.
Mr Daw said crop estimates submitted through Paddock Planner not only helped CBH to plan for harvest but also helped to make better informed long-term network investment decisions.
“For example, Paddock Planner estimates have been used to help CBH manage significant storage pressures. The application made it possible to identify where deliveries were originating from and why these tonnes might have bypassed local sites on route to a port, Mr Daw said.
“This information gave CBH the confidence to invest in additional permanent storage capacity at one of our key sites and also helped us understand what services growers would need and informed how we might manage future traffic flow to minimise site cycle times."
To further encourage growers to submit their estimates using Paddock Planner, those who do so before 31 July 2022 will go into the draw to win a $1,000 accommodation voucher and $500 towards a charity or club of their choice.
If growers have not yet submitted their estimates and need help with Paddock Planner,please contact the CBH Grower Service Centre on 1800 199 083, or get in touch with your local Area Manager.