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Grower survey opens today in governance review


The CBH Group continues an extensive program of grower engagement as part of a review of the co-operative’s governance, with the commencement of a grower survey, the results of which will help shape the review’s outcomes. 

This week, CBH grower members will be invited to complete a short survey some of the potential governance improvements. CBH Chair Simon Stead said the Board would then consider grower feedback from both the meetings and survey in finalising the review in October. 

“Over the next few days, a survey invitation will be sent to the primary contact’s email address of each grower member account,” Mr Stead said. 

“In addition to the email invitation, telephone surveys will be conducted so that we can seek the views of as many members as possible. 

“Before completing the survey, if you haven’t already, I encourage you to familiarise yourself with the governance improvements that the Board supports by reading the materials we have provided on our website. 

“I strongly encourage every one of our grower members to complete the survey so that they can have their say on how we can best improve the governance of our co-operative.” 

See below links to four information sheets that outline further details: 

The survey will close at midnight Tuesday 22 September.