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Grower feedback sought on co-operative governance review

The CBH Group today commences an extensive grower engagement process in which the Board will seek growers’ views on a range of possible governance improvements for their co-operative. 

CBH Chair Simon Stead said the governance review was an important endeavour which would have generational impacts to the co-operative’s ability to maximise the creation and return of value for Western Australian grain growers. 

“The objective of our governance review is to improve the governance of CBH to ensure we have the highest standards of governance, and that the co-operative remains strong and can continue to deliver value to our members for the long term,” Mr Stead said. 

“Improvements to how our co-operative is governed will have a positive impact for the growers of today and the many generations of Western Australian growers to come.” 

In commencing a two-month grower engagement period, Mr Stead today held an online information session for members that provided an overview of the review process to date, along with insights from co-operative peers and governance best practice. 

Starting Monday, Mr Stead and CBH Deputy Chair Natalie Browning will begin two weeks of governance review grower meetings across the state. 

“Based on the gathered insights and best practice, the Board supports a range of possible governance improvements which we will now discuss with our grower members so that we can understand their views and preferences,” Mr Stead said. 

“The governance improvements are grouped under the areas of candidate nominations and elections, Director term and tenure, Board size and composition, and Board diversity.” 

CBH has published information sheets of each of the four governance areas which provide more details of the possible improvements as well as further background for growers to consider. 

“I encourage our grower members to read the information sheets and attend one of the governance review grower meetings so we can get their feedback and have an open and informed discussion about improving the governance of our co-operative,” he said. 

Following the meetings, members will be invited to complete a brief survey in September that will capture preferences of key governance topics. In October, the Board will decide which governance improvements will be progressed. 

Please visit the Governance Review page on our website for the grower meeting schedule and to download the information sheets.