District 1 and 4 by election results
Following the closure of polls for the District 1 and 4 by-elections at 10.00am today, the Western Australian Electoral Commission (WAEC) has counted the votes and advised of the successful candidates.
In District 1, Gareth Rowe from Walkaway was elected as a Member Director. Gary Cosgrove from Mingenew was the unsuccessful candidate. In District 4, Royce Taylor from Lake Grace was elected as a Member Director. Wally Newman from Newdegate, Phillip Blight from Wagin and Gerard Paganoni from Broomehill were the unsuccessful candidates. CBH Chairman Simon Stead thanked all candidates who participated in the election.
“I would like to thank all the candidates for putting their hand up to contribute to their co-operative as a Member Director and I extend my congratulations to those elected,” Mr Stead said.
“On behalf of the Board, I welcome Gareth Rowe from District 1 and Royce Taylor from District 4, who will both bring a great deal of knowledge, experience and capability to our Board. We look forward to working with each of you. “Member Director elections are vital for the health of our co-operative and provide members with the right to choose their representatives on the Board.” The formal appointment of Mr Rowe and Mr Taylor as Member Directors will take effect on Tuesday 8 June 2021.
Mr Taylor’s term will end at the conclusion of the CBH AGM in February 2023 and Mr Rowe’s term will end at the conclusion of the CBH AGM in February 2024. Further information on Member Director elections, the elections process and the governance of our co-operative can be found on our website, www.cbh.com.au.