District 1 and 4 by election candidates announced
Following the closure of nominations for the District 1 and 4 by-elections at 12 noon (WST) on Wednesday, 21 April 2021, the Western Australian Electoral Commission (WAEC) has advised the CBH Group that is has received six nominations.
The nominees for the District 1 by-election, which will elect one Director to the CBH Board for a term through to February 2024, listed in ballot paper order, are: Gareth Rowe from Walkaway Gary Cosgrove from Mingenew. The nominees for the District 4 by-election, which will elect one Director to the CBH Board for a term through to February 2023, listed in ballot paper order, are: Wally Newman from Newdegate Royce Taylor from Lake Grace Phillip Blight from Wagin Gerard Paganoni from Broomehill.
Ballot packs containing full voting information will be mailed to eligible grower members residing in Districts 1 and 4 on Wednesday, 28 April 2021. A district map is available here www.cbh.com.au/about-cbh/director-elections. Grower members will need to have their votes in prior to the close of the poll at 10am on Friday, 4 June 2021.The results will be announced shortly after the counting of votes.
For more information regarding the CBH Group Member Director Elections please contact WAEC Returning Officer, Kelly Dansie, by email at nominations@waec.wa.gov.au or phone on 0437 828 469. Further information on Member Director elections, the elections process and the governance of our co-operative can be found on our website, www.cbh.com.au.