CBH Group provides early advice on harvest segregation plans
The CBH Group has released initial segregation plans for the 2019/20 harvest, giving Western Australian growers early access to the commodities and grades that will be available at receival sites.
The segregations have been developed following analysis of the crop estimates received from growers earlier this year.
CBH encourages growers to view the plans and provide feedback at the upcoming pre-harvest meetings.
All estimates are collated according to the area where the grain is grown. CBH Area Managers then determine the commodity and grade segregations required to meet the local demand from growers.
CBH General Manager Operations Ben Macnamara said growers can access the segregation plans at all sites through their secure LoadNet account, regardless of whether they have submitted crop estimates to CBH.
“We received feedback from growers last year seeking earlier access and advice on segregations,” Mr Macnamara said.
“Our Operations team has made every effort to match a grower’s crop estimates to the initial segregations at their preferred delivery sites. Obviously, this is not always possible. Where this has not been possible, alternative sites have been suggested.
“This is to assist growers make informed decisions about their own harvest logistics and which sites they will deliver to.”
Mr Macnamara said if growers have any questions about the initial segregation plans, growers should attend the upcoming pre-harvest meetings, and in the mean time they should contact their local Area Manager.