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EPR Adjustments for the 2022/23 Harvest Pools and Flexi Starter Pools


Pool management has recently reviewed the Estimated Pool Returns (EPR) for the 2022/23 Harvest Pools and Flexi Starter Pools, leading to an increase in the published EPR for the Lupin Harvest Pool and the Canola Flexi Starter Pool and an adjustment in the published grade spreads for the Wheat and Canola Harvest Pools.

The Lupin Harvest Pool EPR has been increased by A$20. This reflects recent sales committed at values supportive to pool equity and the ongoing progress in execution of existing sales.

A number of grade spreads in the Wheat and Canola Harvest Pool have been updated to better reflect sale values achieved.

The Canola Flexi Starter Pool EPR has been increased by A$20. This reflects improved outcomes as the execution program progresses.

Please see below for EPR changes to the respective pools. For more information around current grade spreads, please refer to the Harvest Pool Fact Sheets or the Flexi Starter Pool Fact Sheets.

Lupin Harvest Pool:

A$410 FIS LUP1 (+$20)

Canola Flexi Starter Pool:

A$860 FIS CAN1 (+$20)