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EPR Adjustments for the Deferred Sales Pool


CBH have reviewed the current EPRs for the Deferred Sales Pool and has decided that due to prevailing market conditions that it will lower the EPRs for Wheat, Barley, Canola and Lupins however will look to raise the Oats EPR.

Global grain and oilseed prices continue to face headwinds since the renewal of the Black Sea Grain Deal which is why we have decided to remain conservative in our EPR estimates and reduce the EPRs for several commodities.

Wheat Deferred Sales Pool:
A$370 FIS APW1 (-$10)

Barley Deferred Sales Pool:
A$290 FIS BFD1 (-$10)

Canola Deferred Sales Pool:
A$760 FIS CAN1 (-$30)
A$700 FIS CAG1 (-$40)

Oat Deferred Sales Pool:
A$280 FIS (+$10)