CBH Published Pool Return Updates
CBH has today performed a review of 21/22 season pool equities, resulting in equity increases across the majority of products. A summary of the changes is outlined below:
Wheat No1 Harvest Pool:
- $445 APW1 KWI (+$5)
Wheat No2 Harvest Pool:
- $430 APW1 KWI (+$15)
Barley No1 Harvest Pool:
- $345 BFD1 KWI (+$15)
Barley No2 Harvest Pool:
- $335 BFD1 KWI (+$25)
Canola No1 Harvest Pool:
- $1,030 CAN1 KWI (+$10)
- $990 CAG1 KWI (+$10)
Canola No2 Harvest Pool:
- $960 CAN1 KWI (+$40)
- $910 CAG1 KWI (+$30)
Lupin No1 Harvest Pool:
- $415 LUP1 GER (+$5)
Lupin No2 Harvest Pool:
- $380 LUP1 GER (+$20)
Wheat, Barley, Canola and Lupins EPRs have been increased in anticipation of improved returns on pool unsold tonnes with international values continuing to increase after the Russian invasion of Ukraine has shut down global grain and oilseed exports from the Black Sea region.
No change to Oat pool EPRs at this time however we do anticipate potential upside to be factored into our EPRs at some point. However, we are taking a more prudent approach for now given the generally challenging Oats marketing environment which has prevailed this season. Once we can confirm an uplift in sales values have been achieved; we will adjust pool EPRs accordingly.