Domestics App
Will the app use my mobile data allowance?Yes, but only limited data usage, similar to most apps.
Why do I need location services switched on?Location services provide the app with accurate and up to date information so you can get the most out of it in real time.
Is using the app a breach of CBH’s site safety guidelines?No. All interaction with the app has been designed to use when the vehicle is stationary with the brake on. There is no reason to use the app whilst driving or operating the vehicle and this would be a breach of CBH’s site safety guidelines.
What information do I need before I submit my journey?You will need to know what truck you are driving (including its current consist details and any permits), your loading site and your booking reference number.
When do I submit my next journey?We recommend submitting your next journey as soon as the last one has completed so you won’t have to do it when you arrive at site.
Can I use the app offline?No. A network connection is required to check the booking information is valid before a journey can be submitted.
What do I do when I arrive at my loading site?It’s important NOT to drive straight onto the weighbridge when you arrive at site – stop before you get to it and once you’re stationary, with the brake applied, follow the in-app instructions to weigh in.
Do I get a printed copy of the ODF? How do I get a copy?No, as we are switching to electronic forms you will receive an email for the Outturn Domestic Form (ODF) manifest. Email addresses can be viewed in the User Details screen and if any updates are required, check with your employer or update them in your LoadNet for Transporters account.
What if I lose connection on site during a journey?CBH has put in place technology to improve connectivity and enabled WIFI at weighbridges and sample stands. If you do lose connection, contact site staff and they will be able to help. The app will catch up again once the connection is back.
How do I register for LoadNet for Transporters?If you want to register as a transporter please call Transporter Support on 9416 6300.
How do my drivers get a PIN to use the CBH apps?
I cannot see my driver in 'Manage Drivers'?Check Site Pass first to make sure they are listed under your company and have completed all necessary steps. If set up correctly it should display a green arrow.