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Manmanning site is located in the shire of Dowerin and the building onsite was built in 1978.
How to get there

Site information

Site Name Manmanning
Site Address CNR Wheatbin Rd / Manmaning Town Rd, Manmanning
Leased Premises Description Part Unnumbered Railway Reserve & Reserve 36617 being part of Lot 41 on DP183610 held on Certificate of Title LR3012/361
Whole or part of site to be leased Whole of site
Land Area to be leased (approximate hectares) 5.7585 ha
CBH Building Storage Type G-type
Building Area (approximate m2 only) 4173 m2
Building Age (approximate only) 1978
Type - Lease or Sub-Lease SUB-LEASE - This site will be a Sub-Lease where the successful EOI party will need to comply with CBH's terms and conditions including complying with CBH's head lease terms & conditions held with Public Transport Authority of Western Australia (Head Lessor). Each sub-lease is subject to both Head-Lessor & Lessor approval.
Mains Power Service Status Power supply is not provided to the site
Other Information

GENERAL NOTE - Any weighbridges/conveyors/overrail garner bins remaining on-site post make safe/pre-leasing are non-operational. 

SPECIFIC SITE EXCLUSIONS - Climbable elements to overrail garner bins, elevator towers, fan towers will be removed (access ladders/platforms) / fan tower vats and elevator tower spindles removed / Distribution electrical switchboards will be removed / G-type elevator to storage shed access restricted / Confined space access points welded/bolted shut to prevent access /  Inloading ground pits and interior storage shed outloading pit to be filled in / Anchor davit removed / Weighbridge hut access bolted to prevent access / Sample shed, accommodation units, redundant tripper all to be removed from site & general site cleaned up completed pre-leasing. 

Sites for lease or sale

As we continue to improve and develop our network, we will retire non-network receival sites that have not been operational for some time or are no longer needed for grower deliveries.

Register your interest   Sites available